There is no item in your shopping card. You can add the items to the shopping card and print the list as a summary or make a request.
We will contact you as soon as possible by phone or mail. If you are already a Patisserie-customer and like to order via the homepage, you can call us, so we can set up a direct order access for you.
The lawyers tell us, that it isn't an order at all, but an request. We would suggest, we do it that way: we will check your request/order and then you get an order confirmation. What is listed in it (quantities, dates, costs) is binding. If you want to change something, please don't hesitate to contact us. If everything is fine, we deliver as stated in the order confirmation. That sounds more complicated than it is. It often happens, when lawyers have something to say.
Founded by two brothers 1998 in Kleinheubach (between Frankfurt and Würzburg), the Patisserie produces desserts, sweets and other delights for every kind of sophisticated gastronomy from 50 to 5000 guests with about 100 employees on an area of 7000 qm: for example first-class hotels, event organiser, award-winning cuisine, caterer, cruises, dinner-shows, first class airlines, VIP lounges, restaurants and bars. Fresh, artisanal, with good ingredients, nice to look at and delicious. In a quality that only a pâtissier usually achieves with professional equipment. In quantities that the pâtissier can't manage in his kitchen. Our claim from the beginning: quality market leader. In other words:
We are not a "business“, no "production“ and no "factory“. We are humans. Together they create something with their heads and hands. With their thinking, with their willing, with their skills. A team, because no one can do, what we can do together. Of course, these people are also just humans: on some days they are just moderately temperate and moody. But most days, they treat each other with respect and create something special together. How special, you can even taste…
We are not a "business“, no "production“ and no "factory“. We are humans. Together they create something with their heads and hands. With their thinking, with their willing, with their skills. A team, because no one can do, what we can do together. Of course, these people are also just humans: on some days they are just moderately temperate and moody. But most days, they treat each other with respect and create something special together. How special, you can even taste…
We offer interesting and future-proof apprenticeships and jobs. From traditional crafts to dual studies. We like spontaneous applications and are looking forward to your meaningful documents to
Exquisite ingredients, high-quality raw material, elaborate handwork. One could get the idea, that we work only for and with experts of the category Eckart Witzigmann, Alexander Herrmann or Harald Wohlfahrt (and some who may be displeased because they are not mentioned here). Of course that's not the case: our products are not only available in the top gastronomy. But also on trains, ships and airplanes. Of course the different segments vary in unit price and quantity. But always the same: the whole system has to pay off. Who wants to eat something? On which price level? In which quantities? When? What kind of variety? How is the logistics organized? If the system is well thought trough, then products work with our quality standards in five-star hotels, but also in demanding company canteens. But what doesn't work: to buy something, without thinking about it. Call us. We would like to help you think.
We spend a lot of time searching for ingredients. Where you can get the best, how and where you use them ideally. What we have learned: An extremely important ingredient is the abstaining. For example the abstaining of residues and waste. We would like to use valuable foods in a responsible way. That is not only cheaper, but also better. With an average of 150000 portions, we only have 5 normal trashcans of food waste. Also better: to avoid as far as possible all chemical and other additives. No flavour enhancers, no additives and free of flavourings. No natural, no nature-identical and no artificial. Nothing at all. You can also produce quality without "lazy tricks“.
Like practically all children of innkeepers the Walter brothers collected their first gastronomy experiences even before they learned to walk between the tables of the parental inn in the haze of fried potatoes, breaded Schnitzel and debates on the regulars' table. From this village restaurant between Spessart and Odenwald, they conquered the region first and meanwhile the big, wide world. From Kleinheubach, together with people from all over the world (12 different nations) in the whole world. You can call it success story…
Udo Walter
cook and economist
Creative part, who keeps in touch with customers and the world. With a huge passion of efficient processes and structures.
Uwe Walter
cook and confectioner
In the end he is responsible for evertything, which is related to the production and preparation.
Of course you can buy a lot of delicious things from us, which are delivered in a nice carton. What you can currently buy in cartons, you can see here.
However, if you develop and produce products at this level, the way we do this, then you collect a lot of know-how and special knowledge, that you can not send in cartons. We offer that knowledge anyway:
… we would like to introduce you some employees. Not because they are better or more valuable than others. Just because they answer the telephone often. Then you have a face to the voice ...
Udo Walter
customer service
+49 (0) 9371 947 87 11
Nicole Schork
customer service
+49 (0) 9371 947 87 11
customer service
+49 (0) 9371 947 87 11
Jonas Schulz
customer service
+49 (0) 9371 947 87 11
Jeremie Hahn
customer service
+49 (0) 9371 947 87 16
production area
supply areas
shipping time
hygienic standard
business area